Monday, September 5, 2011

My initial Program (September 2010) This is how I thought it was going to go

(authors note, this was I thought I was going to do back in September 2010)

The way I figure it, IMCDA is end of June 2011. I start the official training as of January 2nd 2011 (that's about 25 weeks out). My training plan is hybrid of marathon training, biking and strength training. I don' t mention swimming for a couple of reasons. First, I think one of my strengths is going to be the swim portion. I don't anticipate any issue doing the 2.4 mile swim. Although I have never done it before, its not the leg I am worried about. Realistically I won't be any faster in comparison to the other legs, its just that I am not really worried about it. Fat floats, I can swim a long time, its boring, I don't love it but I think I can do it. Second, is that even if I spend a ton of time in the pool I am guessing it would save me maybe 10-15 minutes. Instead of taking the recommended 2-3 time a week in the pool my plan is to just spend once a week in the pool and taking the remaining swim time and turn it into strength/cross training. Its cold here in Minnesota and the only place to swim from September to May is in the pool and nothing says boring like a long swim turning around every 25 yards. My other thought is that worst come to worst is that I can cram for the swim in May and June.


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